3 different colour papers, scissors & tape
In week 9 & 10, we learned a different thing from usual class, which is to fold a crane and by doing that, we will be covering 2 chapters in only 1 class! We were require to bring 3 different colour papers, scissor and tape to class. At first, I have no clue about what we are doing at all. Bit by bit, I really love the way how Ms. Ivy taught us. It's a very practical thing and by using this method, it makes us so easy to understand everything! 

First, we were ask to fold a crane by referring to a website (for those who doesn't know how to fold a crane). Next is to fold a base to insert our crane. We were ask to write down a few words.There's "Position" and "Orientation" on the top left of the base. So, when you fold that particular part, there will be a "V" point which meansa vanish point is same as perspective. It formulates "Detail", "Linear" and "Ariel".

"Time" and "Illusions" are on the lower left. Illusions means 2D and 3D creates illusions with motion movement. Next, "Light/Brightness" and "Monocular Cues" are on the top right of the base. Light/Brightness means that colour is the same as value and those can be texture gradient. Whereas Monocular Cues is depth cue which results only using ONE way - linear. 

At last, there's "Binocular Cues" and "Motion" on the lower right. Binocular cues means depth cue which results of BOTH way seeing with both eyes to perceive parallax. All the above that I have mentioned is a 2D and 3D visual perceptions that Ms. Ivy have taught us in the class. It is really helpful for us to remember everything now

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    Annicle Lim   

    A student from Taylor's University doing Bachelor in Mass Communication major in Advertising.


    June 2013
    May 2013

